May 27, 2013

getting there !

back to mini's again and want to show you the progress so far on my minilaptop.
It's not so much anymore and I feel confident it's going to be great!


  1. Hi Monique,
    have you seen electroluminescent sheet before? The sheet is 0.8mm thick and when you apply power to it, it glows. Here's a link to a company in the US

    It may be a solution to illuminating the whole laptop screen evenly.

    1. Hi Pepper, that is a great link, thank you! I bookmarked it right away and I will definitely try it. Not on my/this laptop though, because I think it will work how I'm doing that now. But I have plans making and selling mini-laptops in the future with the help/use of some manufacturers and it will be perfect then!

    2. When you do start selling them, I'll be top of the list to buy one =0) They look awesome!

  2. Hi Monique! You have so much motivation to get this right and your solutions so far, even with the drawbacks, are fascinating! I have great admiration and respect for YOU and your drive and desire to accomplish this to your exacting specifications! If you do manage to, it will be spectacular!


    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth, that's great to read. To me it is going to be spectacular and I do think you'll find it pretty great too. So stay tuned!

  3. Good morning Monique, you really waked me up with this blog post on the Monday morning :D!!!!
    I am in awe of what you have accomplished so far, it is an extremely fascinating work!! You are a genius, Monique! I'll follow the progress and I really hope you'll succeed to finish your miniature laptop :D!! Good Luck!

    1. Thanks Ilona, glad you're awake ;) I'm not a genius, but I'm pretty happy with what I thought up for this laptop I must admit. I'll definitely finish this laptop, too much fun and too curious too see the result. But need to put my family and boyfriend first for the moment, so a little more time will be needed, but it will come!

  4. Hello Monique,
    I will say it again, making miniatures that small and that realistic is just all kinds of crazy! I am always blown away!I cannot wait to see the finished laptop.
    Big hug,

    1. I guess I am a little (or lot) Giac! :) Hope you'll like the result, but we'll see. Bye!

  5. Hi Monique!

    I follow your blog for a few weeks and... your work is amazing, but this laptop... WOW!!! The level of realism is really high!

    Also I´ve read your last posts and you should be confident, you are a very talented person!!!

    A big hug!

    1. I thought I'd seen you as a follower long time before, but with all the blogs out there, it's sometimes hard to remember, right? Thanks for your compliments :)

  6. It looks pretty complicated. Enjoy. I look forward to seeing the finished result.

  7. Tu realismo me impresiona. Espero verlo terminado,ya va muy bien.

  8. How so very clever you are! I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

  9. Hoi Monique!
    Wat superrr, je werk aan de laptop!
    vind het
    a. hartstikke orgineel en
    b. ontzettend aanstekelijk hoe enthousiast je bent
    c. hartstikke cool dat je volhoud tot het je lukt.
    Spannend om te volgen!
    ik heb je vorige berichten ook gelezen, maar had er niks aan toe te voegen wat al niet gezegd was.
    Ben ervan overtuigd dat, wanneer je er open over kunt zijn, de allergrootste stap al gezet is.
    Heb er alle vertrouwen in.

  10. OMG! What an incredible little project. This is going to look so great!

  11. Hi Monique! Your laptop is going to have Everyone of us DROOLING! You are so Incredibly Clever and I take my hat/baseball cap off to you for your fanatical dedication to details and for your imagination and ingenuity! Just Fantastic!


    1. p.s. I know that this is my second and now third comment but I am just so Impressed by what you are now doing and by what you have already done! You Rock!


  12. Thanks guys, for all the comments! It may take some time because of family and personal circumstances that keep me from my miniatures, but hopefully soon (and my hands stop trembling when working on mini's, this laptop needs steady hands, that I now don't have unfortunately either)
