there's a little fun trend going on where people show their workrooms or -spaces and I like it! I would like to contribute to that evolving tradition with showing you my workroom. Yes, I have my own room and I'm very happy with it!
how about my doorsign, isn't it great? I found it in a webshop and it makes me smile everytime I see it. |
you might think these storagesolutions mean I'd have a tidy room, but I don't. Yet.., it will be someday. So no, there was no inside storm or something (although, probably metaforically there was), this is just.. well, the way it is. I just have no
shame whatsoever. problem with you knowing that.
an absolutely great thing about this room is that it has no windows, but does have a skylight. Since that way
no valuable space is lost because of the space a window takes in a wall and light is coming from above. Which is great in itself and also leaves the room much longer in good, usable daylight than the rooms in our house that have windows.
disaster area ;) |
the folding table without clutter! and the room in a previous state |
so there you have it, full disclosure about the state of my workroom. No sugarcoating, this is it. No reason to be embarrassed about your own less than tidy rooms, here you can see you're not the only one, or - and this is more likely - that it can be much worse :D
I have often said that the only person you should please is yourself. It's nice to have someone else compliment your work but it should never be used as a measure of your own value. I hope you are feeling's tough when illness hangs over you. Even worse when you pretend that you are okay when you are not. Support from your friends and family can lift your spirits when times get tough =0)
ReplyDeleteOh and your workroom is far tidier than mine Ha-ha. One day I will post the disaster area that I work in.
You are very brave. I could have written everything you just typed. I know so much about being the giver and find it so hard to be the recipient. I also work with this problem and to be in the light.
ReplyDeleteYou are brave and you have said the hardest loud, very loud. I wish you a good trip, it will be interesting, enjoy the journey and be less concerned with the target.
I also know, if any of the need of acknowledgment, can I move beyond that, I will be a free person, so freely, I am fighting the battle almost every day.
After almost a year of blogging, I find that there are many who have found a refuge here in blog land. We are many who are struggling with various life challenges. Maybe it's just the way life is.
Hugs and good luck
Dear Monique, I understand your story very well and I think it's very couragous of you to share your deepest thoughts with us. When my father died in january this year, I found in his archives a tiny paper. In his handwriting I read: "Matter is neither created nor destroyed, and we, as matter, wil always matter and the universe will forever be our home". To me this was such a consolation. For however small and insignificant we appear to be in the universe, we still matter and we have to accept our place, our possibilities and bounderies. And we need to commit ourselves. Our value doesn't depend on the way others esteem us, doesn't depend on what we achieve. The joy of life can reveal itself in so many things; being kind to someone else, discovering what you like to do, admiring beautiful clouds, knowing your loved ones are well.....
ReplyDeleteMonique, I wish you strenght on this new path you decided to follow and I think it will bring you happiness.
Letting go and letting others in can be so rewarding and uplifting, and I think people like to be needed, to help, to console. It's the give and take that makes us whole, indeed. Hugs for you! :]
ReplyDeleteI am glad you wrote this post. I have a chronic illness that can be managed with a lot of work. I have shared this with several of my blogging friends and have recieved a lot of support and loving wishes. I think our society promotes this kind of tough, I can do it all myself attitude. By sharing your health struggles you are not being weak, you are reminding others that great sgrenth can come out of adversity.
Hi Monique! Thank you for having the courage to share what is on your heart with all of us. Everyone of us out here is also faced with certain challenges and imperfections that are not always shared but are very real too! With this electronic age where we are able to present our best face to the world at large, and also because of the type of hobby that we share, that of make-believe and fantasy, a whole lot of sadness and personal pain is diverted and never disclosed. Everyone of us will go through good times and bad and the length of each will vary but none of us gets a problem free ride during our lifetime. I applaud you for "putting it out there". Whatever you are dealing with, you can take comfort in the fact that you are not alone and having to face your problem(s) in isolation. People that are near and dear will come along side if you allow them to and, for me, I have always been able to lean into God when my struggles have been the worst, and He has guided me through them to the other side. Help is always available.
ReplyDeleteYour work room is not the worst that I've ever seen, either! In fact, as I type this, I am surrounded by a chaos to beat all chaoses! I am trying to get ready for a show and the mess is unbelievable. So take heart and realize that what ever you have on your plate right now can be sorted out, One Step at a Time!
I'm a bit speechless by your words. It's as if i'm reading my own deeper thoughts. You are SO right, opening up is the only way to make real contact and letting others into our lives. Yes, in the good, but also in the sad, ugly and bad. I think your attitude in the beginning of blogging was the same as i had. It's a new medium and we all have to find a way to make it work for us, learn what we can share, but also, rightly said, what it can bring us.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were faced with illness and the challenges it forces upon you. But knowing now makes me have even more admiration for the all things you've accomplished so far already! As we speak i'm going through a really rough time in my life as well with a marriage of 21 years breaking down, but like the sign on the entrance of your workspace; creating miniatures is so comforting and gives so much fulfillment! It feeds the soul of our miniaturists!!
And the best is (as i understand but didn't know?!) is you're going to Guild School?!?!!! If so, hat is sooo awesome! What a great trip to look forward to! Im leaving for it too, in just over a week! I'm so excited too, i had no clue but i'd love to meet up with you in person if we can. And then we can even speak Dutch :)))
Dear Monique, I just read your disclosure and I admire you and anybody who shares who they really are and are not afraid of it. I like it when people admit that there are things in their lives which are not as they should be. The reason for this being that it creates a closeness that would not be there should the person remain a closed book and only share their work. Life is never without its difficulties but through conquering them, we become stronger individuals. The more we conquer, the stronger we become. Here and there on facebook and on blogs, I have shared things about myself and I hope that it helped someone. Because that's what it does when we share who we are. People don't feel so alone when they see that other people are going through the same thing or have gone through it. And, people become closer to us. For instance, when I read of Debora's marital difficulties, instantly my heart was filled with love and concern for her and I suddenly saw her not as an accomplished miniaturist, but as a woman in pain and my heart went out to her as it's going out to you.
ReplyDeleteThe strength in my life is the Lord and I must include His dear Mother. Being Catholic, I have a devotion to her. She is my Queen. I don't know if you are familiar with the Bible but if you read Psalm 18 and meditate on it, it will help you. There are some people who think that turning to God in times of need is a crutch because they cannot survive on their own. God is indeed a most powerful crutch and He is always there for us. But He does not want us to remain weak. He wants us to become strong. But He sustains us and strengthens us until we do. If you make the Lord your ally, you will become strong and you will remain strong. God is the greatest ally you could ever have. It all has to do with faith. If you want it, Monique, ask for it and it will be given to you. f?Try to walk with the Lord. You don't have to spend hours and hours in contemplation, just a few words from the heart here and there during the day is enough.
I don't know how I would have survived without the Lord. He is such a pillar of strength but we have to live it to believe it. And we need to persist. I hope my little drop helps, dear Monique. Take care and try to be as happy as you can. Life can be so hard at times.
Enjoy your workroom, clean or untidy, it doesn't matter. At least you have one! Sending you much love. xo
Dear Monique,
ReplyDeleteI applaud your courage and wish you continued strength. For many years I too tried to keep up a facade, felt I had to be strong, that that was what I had to give and what was needed from me. Until I learned that my nearest and dearest didn't want me to be strong - they wanted me to be me and share the more difficult things as well and that true strength is being able to share the ba with the good. I've worked at it and have gotten much better at it - and through that sharing, have gotten so much more in return. I wish you the same and more!
Ik kan alleen maar zeggen, Monique, iedereen heeft zijn problemen en/of slechte gezondheid, ook ik heb die. Niemand is zonder, iets wat je inmiddels ongetwijfeld bemerkt hebt. Wees welkom in blogland, waar heel veel lieve en hartelijke mensen zijn, wees gewoon jezelf. "Doe je niet beter voor dan je bent", is mijn motto. gaat naar Guild School!! Dat is ook een grote droom van mij (en dat zal het altijd blijven, weet ik). Monique, wil je er heel fijn van alles wat je meemaakt gaan genieten en zou je alsjeblieft op je blog willen schrijven hoe het daar was, ja??
Veel sterkte en liefs, Ilona
I admire you, I'm not so brave :)
Hi Monique, Thank you so much for sharing more about yourself here. It makes me feel closer to you knowing that you have real, human struggles like the rest of us. A few years ago I had some very serious health challenges that I could not hide. It was like a huge perfectionist burden was lifted from my shoulders, and it brought me closer to my loved ones. I wish all the best for you. xo Jennifer
ReplyDeleteHello Monique, I just found your blog, actually an hour and a half ago, just before Mr Selfridge (tv programme) started, and I couldn't stop thinking about your blog :D It is going to take a few days to get through it, but I know I love it already :D So glad your workshop is messier than my workshop :D But your miniatures so far are amazing. I love the show your workshop posts too! Must do this, mines in my bedroom :/