May 10, 2015

"Grapenilla Exotica"

hi guys, thank you so só much for the very kind and warm comments on my last post. That had been difficult and a bit scary for me to publish: you're the best!

for now a mini plant kind-a-thing not resembling any type I know. After I'd eaten some grapes, I was looking at the now empty branches and they looked like parts of some sort of - unknown - exotic plant to me. And so I decided it would be that and I call it 'Grapenilla Exotica', get it, get it? :D

with a cocktailstick I mixed some real plantsoil* with some tacky glue, and put it in a dish from my stash. I used some extra soil on the gluemix for a more realistic surface and pressed this gently so it would stick. Then while the gluemix was still wet I tuck in the stems and done! Easy breezy ;)

for this I lined the dish with plastic wrap to be able to remove the plant&soil at anytime so I can put mini-m&m's or something in there someday, mjam mjam :P. Of course the plastic wrap was temporary and easily removed from the soil once the glue had dried.

*tip from CaseyMini I saw in a comment on someone's blog, thanks so much for that! It includes seeving the soil, which I haven't done here as 1) I don't have a seeve (good reason right?) and 2) I wanted a coarse look to the soil as I thought it's most fitting for this kind of plant. But seeving would definitely be a good idea for most miniplants


  1. The plant looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing this tutorial.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Buena imaginación.Mucho mejor eso de crear especies nuevas .Bastantes se están destruyendo últimamente.

    1. Gracias Isabel, por lo que es con nosotros miniaturistas ¿eh? Vemos por todas partes algo ;)

  3. Ha, Grapenilla Exotica - I like it. It looks like it's about to sprout leaves from the top =0)

    1. Thank you Pepper, a fitting name right? ;) It is about to sprout indeed, but I'm not sure it will be leaves though, it might as well be .. eh.. grapes? haha :D How silly will I look when that should happen :P

  4. They are very cute!

    And you know, it actually looks somewhat like a sago palm with very young new leaves still sort of curled in on themselves. Where I live, gardeners trim all the leaves off to the trunk, and after a while the new leaves emerge, very soft and green.

    Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Thank you AztecLady! Ah, good to know it resembles something that exists, meaning it's not too far fetched. Butteh....didn't I mention it's related to the Sago Palm? hahaha :D

  5. Hi Monique! Zo, ik ben ook weer terug van 'weg' geweest, ik wou es effies zien wat jij inmiddels hebt uitgevonden.......nou, dit grapenilla exotica-plantje ziet er mysterieus én geweldig mooi gedetailleerd uit :D! Goeie tip van dat plastic, zeg, nog niet eerder over gelezen/ergens gezien, so thanks ;)!
    En? Is er inmiddels al iets uitgekomen aan blaadjes, of zo? Je weet maar nooit bij jou.....;O!
    Groetjes, ilona

    1. Hai Ilona, fijn dat je terug bent! Ik las net op je blog dat het ook weer goed gaat, gelukkig, heb aan je gedacht! Merci beaucoup, al was het weer een gevalletje moeder natuur die al het werk heeft gedaan :D en blij dat ik je blij heb kunnen maken met een tip.
      Haha, jazeker, er zitten bladeren aan en kleine druifjes zelfs :D :D :D

  6. I'm pretty sure I've seen something like that for sale in Ikea! :D Love it, you could also add paper leaves and off shoots too, using the stalks as a base.

    1. Really? Ah, great! :D Yes, I could and is a good idea, but I loved the instantness of it and it will stay like this probably ;), but thanks for the tip!
