A few things I've made since I've started last year. This is without a few items that I haven't finished yet. It's not much I know, but hopefully I can do much more from now on!
the brushhair are from my own head, and I love this used dishbrush,
being one of my first miniatures. It was difficult (the cocktailstick
wood kept breaking while working on it and being quite delicate, the
very thin wire was tricky to glue in and the hair wouldn't glue the
right way) but finally I managed to get it all together and it turned
out great I think
The powderbrush has, just like the dishwashing brush, hair from my own head (no, I didn't pull them out, luckely you loose quite a lot on a day and I collect them.. ;) I do think that it's to thick and I'll make another one with my cats (reddish) hair that will hopefully make a better and more realistic powderbrush. I really like how the hanger and whipper (?) turned out. The tray has holes on the side for holding it, but not very well visible in this picture.
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update: in 2012 I finally finished the tray by sanding and polishing and coating it with matte varnish |
The posttray I made of the thin black plastic from a tray of sandwichmeat, was not easy to make, especially the round part which has hightdifference on the sides. I want to sand and polish and airbrush it sometime for a more realistic/better finish result. The penholder I made from the material of a Lipton teabag and metalwire rounded around a metal dowel (the working scissors are - unfortunately - not made by me).
Nothing special of course, a tissuebox, but this one is a tiny bit special anyway because the tissues inside can be pulled out the same way as with a 1:1 tissuebox. It was quite a hassle to fold the tiny pieces of tissuepaper in each other the right way because they kept falling before I was finished and could put the stack in the box, but I got it and it works!
Funny you should use your own hair, I was eyeing up a black hair on my mothers head to use as butterfly antennae which I will need in the future :D really enjoying your photos, miniatures etc, as you can probably tell with the comment spamming im doing :P