May 25, 2015

it's a TINY (!) world

you'll probably know by now I enjoy amazing works of others that are unique in this world, well: I've stumbled across something again that just blew my mind! It's the work of Willard Wigan and what he does is so unbelievable, I cannot comprehend it. And not only does he make such small sculptures, his attention to detail is absolutely ridiculous. Especially considering the tiny scale he works in. It's so small you can only see his work through a microscope.

golfer on the head of a pin, look at that detail!

May 10, 2015

"Grapenilla Exotica"

hi guys, thank you so só much for the very kind and warm comments on my last post. That had been difficult and a bit scary for me to publish: you're the best!

for now a mini plant kind-a-thing not resembling any type I know. After I'd eaten some grapes, I was looking at the now empty branches and they looked like parts of some sort of - unknown - exotic plant to me. And so I decided it would be that and I call it 'Grapenilla Exotica', get it, get it? :D